Tag Archives: usa

Geschichte und Geschichten

Ist schon faszinierend daß die Kubakrise häufig zum Vergleich mit der aktuellen Weltlage — mithin der Beziehung zwischen Rußland und den USA — bemüht wird, jedoch regelmäßig auch hier die “Krise” entsprechend der US-amerikanischen Lesart mit der Stationierung von Raketen … Continue reading

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Wie man sich einen Krieg herbeischreibt und -faselt ohne Hintergründe zu beleuchten

Da sind unsere Rundfunkgebührensteuern im sowjet-NATO-treuen DDRBRD-Staatsfernsehen ja wunderbar angelegt. Neutrale Berichterstattung und Informationen? Pustekuchen. Kriegsrhetorik ahoi! Da werden Ex-NATO-Generäle und Lehrkörper von Bundeswehrbildungsanstalten aufgefahren und interviewt — natürlich ganz neutral! — und die ehemalige NATO-Strategin Stefanie Babst entblödet sich … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Gedanken, Meinung, Wertewesten | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The American Dream is still alive

If the fact that Trump could become POTUS has told us anything, it’s that the American Dream is alive and kicking. If an alleged billionaire ((remember, no one is going to see his tax papers)) can become POTUS, anyone can. … Continue reading

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“They are a smaller country”

The Russian’s can’t change us, or significantly weaken us. They are a smaller country, they are a weaker country, their economy doesn’t produce anything that anyone wants to buy except oil and gas and arms. They don’t innovate, but they … Continue reading

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Re: Blame Russia!

It appears, that meanwhile folks are calling for investigations. For example experts urge the Clinton campaign to challenge the election results in three swing states. And this open letter by US scholars: Call for a Congressional Investigation: An Open Letter … Continue reading

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Re: Dear US-Americans, cut out the middlemen, would ya?

Looking at more rules that were brought to us from centuries passed ((like the electoral college)): Voting on Tuesday – How is this still a thing? // Oliver

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Dear US-Americans, cut out the middlemen, would ya?

While all the — hopefully embarrassed — pundits and other experts, including the statisticians that produced such an epic fail with their forecasts, are weaning themselves to the notion of President Trump, the press coverage fails — yet again — … Continue reading

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So many questions this morning

Did Hillary already prepare her concession speech? Will Hillary accept the election results or keep us in suspense? How long will Mr. Drumpf’s term be? He’s not going to be as profitable to the MIC ((Military Industrial Complex)) as Hillary … Continue reading

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Dear Americans

This was pointed out to me by a colleague from the US. The hashtag at the end was the funniest part: #beentheredonethat. Edit (2016-11-09): Oh for fucks sakes, folks. Really? Just like with Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty Four you took … Continue reading

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No shit? I say: profound shit

I don’t quite get it. How is it important whether the person with the suitcase that contains the red button to start the nuclear holocaust on our planet shares a delusion with millions or billions of other people? The email … Continue reading

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Der unsichere Hafen

Bin mal gespannt ob mit dem Auslaufen der Gnadenfrist für das sogenannte Safe-Harbor-Abkommen, welches eigentlich eine Entscheidung der EU-Kommission war, die EU mal wieder einknickt oder ob wir uns endlich mal durchsetzen. Es wäre wohl eher eine Frage des Willens … Continue reading

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Close the Guantánamo detention site and end indefinite detention

President Obama, I support closing the Guantánamo detention site and ending indefinite detention and urge you to get the job done before you leave office. Instead of justice for the September 11 attacks, Guantánamo has given the world torture, indefinite … Continue reading

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Several botched executions in the recent past in the US after the individual states had trouble to acquire the drugs for the deadly cocktail whose inventor – a pathologist – is, by the way, against the death penalty now. All … Continue reading

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Death penalty again

Two recent editorials of The Times of Shreveport (Louisiana) shine a light at the mechanisms behind the death penalty, especially the second one: State should give Ford real justice RE: “State should give Ford real justice,” March 8, 6D No … Continue reading

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Heute waren wir mit einem Kollegen und seiner Frau im Kino bei Taken 3 mit Liam Neeson im AMC im Tysons Corner Center. Wer die ersten beiden Teile kennt, weiß daß viel Gewalt in diesen Filmen zu sehen ist. Diesmal … Continue reading

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Are you f-ing nuts, Washington Post?

So while the people in Eastern and Southeastern Ukraine insist on their right of self-determination – which the US is otherwise officially supporting whenever it benefits the pockets of big US corporations – and while they state that the referendum … Continue reading

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Maria Zakharova wrote on the Facebook page of the Russian ministry of foreign affairs (Министерства иностранных дел России): One of the most important posts I ever did! I address this to my foreign media colleagues and friends from Reuters, CNN, … Continue reading

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Is Kerry the successor in spirit of Goebbels?

… and the State Department the new propaganda ministry? Check this out: http://youtu.be/jshAX9ialok Quite frankly I found the one-sidedness of this clip appalling. Not to mention the blatant lie starting at 1:12 concerning the options of the referendum on Crimea … Continue reading

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Die Unwissenden

Es ist schon makaber wie unsere Politiker in Europa und auch insbesondere Deutschland sich über die Abhörmaßnahmen der US-Amerikaner echauffieren, wenn doch schon lange selbst der Öffentlichkeit Echelon und andere Abhörmaßnahmen bekannt waren. Man kann ja nicht gerade behaupten die … Continue reading

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Die Doppelzüngigkeit des EU-Parlaments

Seltsam, wie einerseits das NSA-Abhörprogramm lautstark kritisiert und allerlei Forderungen gestellt werden, während man noch vor kurzem Verrat an den EU-Bürgern beging indem man das Flugpassagierdatenabkommen zwischen EU und USA durchwinkte. Lustiger wird’s eigentlich nur deshalb weil Russland mittlerweile eine … Continue reading

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