Tag Archives: POTUS elections 2016

The American Dream is still alive

If the fact that Trump could become POTUS has told us anything, it’s that the American Dream is alive and kicking. If an alleged billionaire ((remember, no one is going to see his tax papers)) can become POTUS, anyone can. … Continue reading

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Jeder darf mal recht haben

Geil, Dank postfaktischen Zeitalters darf jetzt jeder einmal recht haben. Diejenigen die vor der POTUS-Wahl gewußt haben wollen daß Clinton gewinnt, inklusive der Mehrheit von Statistikern können sich nun darauf stützen, daß Clinton ja mit mehr als 2,85 Millionen Wählerstimmen … Continue reading

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Re: Blame Russia!

It appears, that meanwhile folks are calling for investigations. For example experts urge the Clinton campaign to challenge the election results in three swing states. And this open letter by US scholars: Call for a Congressional Investigation: An Open Letter … Continue reading

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Re: Dear US-Americans, cut out the middlemen, would ya?

Looking at more rules that were brought to us from centuries passed ((like the electoral college)): Voting on Tuesday – How is this still a thing? // Oliver

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Blame Russia!

Since Trump is slated to win the electoral vote and the DNC and Hillary Clinton blamed Russia during her campaign for all mischief that hit the campaign, why isn’t anyone trying to remove that president elect which allegedly won as … Continue reading

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Dear US-Americans, cut out the middlemen, would ya?

While all the — hopefully embarrassed — pundits and other experts, including the statisticians that produced such an epic fail with their forecasts, are weaning themselves to the notion of President Trump, the press coverage fails — yet again — … Continue reading

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So many questions this morning

Did Hillary already prepare her concession speech? Will Hillary accept the election results or keep us in suspense? How long will Mr. Drumpf’s term be? He’s not going to be as profitable to the MIC ((Military Industrial Complex)) as Hillary … Continue reading

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Dear Americans

This was pointed out to me by a colleague from the US. The hashtag at the end was the funniest part: #beentheredonethat. Edit (2016-11-09): Oh for fucks sakes, folks. Really? Just like with Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty Four you took … Continue reading

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