Monthly Archives: August 2014

Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #9

Fjallsárlón (literally: mountain river lagoon). Quite spectacular in its own right although smaller than Jökulsárlón. It’s on the way between Skaftafell and Jökulsárlón. Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch abzustatten #9 Fjallsárlón (wortwörtlich: Bergflußlagune). Auf ganz eigene Weise großartig, auch wenn … Continue reading

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #8

Jökulsárlón (literally: glacial river lagoon). Setting for two Bond movies and overall just spectacular. I am not providing photos of all its grandeur because you need to experience it yourself 😉 They’ve got birds, too. Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch … Continue reading

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #7

Solidified lava formations all across the country (this is near Hraunfossar and Barnafoss). You have to check out Hraunfossar and Barnafoss anyway, they’re impressive, especially the Hraunfossar. Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch abzustatten #7 Erstarrte Lavaabdrücke überall im Lande (das … Continue reading

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Free to die

… are the black citizens of “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. “Certainly a Taser is an option that’s available to the officers, but Tasers aren’t 100 percent,” Dotson said. “So you’ve got an individual … Continue reading

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #6

Bubbling hot mud pools at Seltún and elsewhere. Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch abzustatten #6 Blubbernde heiße Schlammlöcher bei Seltún und anderswo.

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #5

Old houses in Árbæjarsafn (Árbæ-collection). There you can see how Icelanders lived through the centuries. I also recommend visiting the National Museum (Þjóðminjasafn Íslands) and the Saga Museum (or alternatively the museum about Egill Skallagrímsson in Borgarnes). Gute Gründe Island … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Anders “Fokk” Rasmussen: Iceland crucial to NATO

Helvítis fokking fokk! The NATO flag was flying at the ministry of foreign affairs, approximately a hundred meters from our office here in Reykjavík, on Wednesday. I pointed it out to my colleagues who hadn’t recognized it while we took … Continue reading

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #4

Enchanting sunsets in summer towards the North ((yep, towards the North!)) around midnight by the seashore (and while resting your feet and legs into hot water near the Seltjarnanes lighthouse). Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch abzustatten #4 Bezaubernde sommerliche Sonnenuntergänge … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Selective memory?

It’s fascinating to see how segments about the alleged downing of MH17 in the US news remembers Reagan’s reaction to the shoot-down of KAL007. Of course, if you want to emphasize “the president’s” reaction it’s an appropriate comparison. But a … Continue reading

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #3

A fjord (Hvalfjörður, literally: whale fjord) with the highest waterfall in Iceland (Glymur) and an enchanting view out of the fjord onto the sea (and if you happen to be on the sea also vice versa). I’ll not spoil the … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

George Carlin

Remember him? One of my favorite contemporary American satirists. He had one piece where he stated that we have no rights. In particular he referred to all the Americans always yammering about their rights. He then pointed to the Americans … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Human Rights, Opinion, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Man kann es sich direkt ausmalen

Die New Straits Times berichtet in einem englischen Artikel von heute: KUALA LUMPUR: INTELLIGENCE analysts in the United States had already concluded that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile, and that the Ukrainian government had … Continue reading

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #2

Weather galore! Yep, it’s true. Not only does Iceland export fish and volcano ash, it also exports weather, albeit mainly to mainland Europe. Or as Icelanders tend to say: if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes. Gute … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Smart guy, but partially flawed logic

Neil deGrasse Tyson, a world-renowned physicist, defended genetically modified organisms some time ago and it went viral on Youtube with this video, posted some days ago. He wrote a rebuttal on Facebook (( regarding the reactions to his words. Of … Continue reading

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Skálmöld & Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands (DE)

Und nochmal das ganze auf Deutsch. Wer von euch Metal mag, insbesondere Symphonic und Power Metal, sollte sich unbedingt die isländische Viking Metal Band Skälmöld (etwa “Zeitalter des Schwertes”) und ihre DVD/CD “Skálmöld & Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands” (Skálmöld und das Symphonieorchester … Continue reading

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An effort to crowdfund the pilot to a “Man from Earth” series

If you liked the movie after the story by Jerome Bixby, here’s the link to the Kickstarter campaign. Go join the effort. It’s needed, because the previous attempt failed. // Oliver

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #1

Dyrhólaey (Icelandic for door hole island ((-ey for Island can still be found in the Orkneys as well as in the oe of Faroe Islands))) and Vík. It’s a natural reserve and features a great coastal lines and all kinds … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Skálmöld & Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands

Check out the Icelandic Viking metal band Skälmöld (roughly “sword age”) and their DVD/CD “Skálmöld & Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands” (Skálmöld and the Icelandic Symphonic Orchestra) recorded last year in the Eldborg hall inside Harpa. It features the band plus three full … Continue reading

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