Monthly Archives: September 2014

Salafisten: Lies!

Irgendwie scheinen das alle Menschen mißzuverstehen. Gemeint ist hier das englische Wort “lies”, also Lügen. Somit ist doch die Aktion auch relativ passend umschrieben. // Oliver

Posted in DE, Ich, der Zyniker | Leave a comment

Is God great?

Just a thought-experiment. Monotheistic faith seem to emphasize that their respective deity is great. In particular in the Islamic world the respective phrase is used quite a lot. I assume that’s “great” in the sense of big or in the … Continue reading

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Wait, what was I missing here?

Haaretz reports a shoot-down of a Syrian fighter jet. What gives this story a bad taste is the claim that it went 800m into “Israeli territory”. Don’t get me wrong, violation of a country’s territory is violation of a territory. … Continue reading

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #15

Friendly young folk. I’d also like to officially introduce to all you Icelanders a new word I created: kindaljósfaðir. That is a male person helping sheep to give birth to lambs. It’s the logical modification of the most beautiful Icelandic … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #14

Breathtaking views around Þingvellir (literally: ting field). By the way, the ting, that is the Germanic tribal gathering, and the English word thing ((as well as German Ding)) are directly related. A thing (or ting) originally used to be a … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Brave man!

Yasiin Bey, aka Mos Def, endured on camera what the hunger strikers in Gitmo have to endure while being force fed. Kudos to the man for this bravery. Go watch the clip, if you dare. // Oliver

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Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #13

Geysirs and hot springs. By the way: the prototypical Geysir that gave its name to all of its kind only erupts irregularly now. What most tourists don’t realize is that the one that erupts regularly and which they see is … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | 2 Comments

Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #12

Beautiful motives all around. This one could be the wallpaper in a popular desktop environments, for example. Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch abzustatten #12 Bildhübsche Motive. Dies hier könnte beispielsweise das Hintergrundbild einer bekannten Desktopumgebung sein.

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #11

Gullfoss (literally: golden waterfall). This mighty waterfall is one of the Golden Circle’s tourist attractions. Its sheer power and size as well as its history are compelling. Gute Gründe Island einen Besuch abzustatten #11 Gullfoss (wortwörtlich: Goldwasserfall, bzw. goldener Wasserfall). … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment

Evil Icelanders :)

They always set off those volcanos with names hard to pronounce for international journalists. This time Bárðarbunga, which indeed has nothing at all to do with Silvio Berlusconi. Why can’t they set off Hekla or Katla? Those are relatively easy … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Why you’ll want to visit Iceland #10

Svartifoss (literally: black waterfall). This waterfall is an interesting sight because of its rock structures. It’s a light hike into the Skaftafell national park which offers other attractions, too (including camping grounds). The photo shows it form afar to tease … Continue reading

Posted in Besucht Island, DE, EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland, Visit Iceland | Leave a comment