Monthly Archives: May 2014

Macklemore anti-semitic because he looks like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

My significant other pointed me to this article over at People Magazine. The allegation is that Macklemore is anti-semitic, because his costume looks like a caricature of jews from the Third Reich. I don’t get it, my first association was … Continue reading

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What a headline “FBI arrests 100 hackers over Blackshades malware”

Claims The Guardian. Well, a few things: Hacker refers to a very broad skill set, it doesn’t refer to motives or lack of ethical framework. The term in such case is usually cracker. Many skilled people with a perfectly intact … Continue reading

Posted in EN, IT Security, Opinion | Leave a comment

Demokratie und Mitbestimmung nach “europäischer” Lesart

Weiterhin wird von “pro-russischen Separatisten” gesprochen, während es sich um ukrainische Staatsbürger handelt welche ursprünglich einfach mehr Recht und einen föderalen Staat haben wollten. Daß Hunter Biden, Sohn von Joe Biden – seines Zeichens Vizepräsident unter Barack Obama – eine … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Meinung, Wertewesten | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Are you f-ing nuts, Washington Post?

So while the people in Eastern and Southeastern Ukraine insist on their right of self-determination – which the US is otherwise officially supporting whenever it benefits the pockets of big US corporations – and while they state that the referendum … Continue reading

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Scherz, oder?

Edward Snowden soll nicht in der deutschen Botschaft in Moskau befragt werden, weil er sich damit rein rechtlich auf deutschem Territorium aufhielte und somit unproblematisch einen Asylantrag stellen könnte, den man scheinbar unter allen Umständen verhindern will. Wenn man meint … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Gedanken | Leave a comment

PewResearch: “Despite Concerns about Governance, Ukrainians Want to Remain One Country”

PewResearch published a report about a poll that was conducted before the events in Odessa last Friday. The so-called “pro-Russian separatists”, or as the interim government likes to put it “terrorists”, should perhaps be called “ethnic-Russian autonomists” instead? С днём … Continue reading

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Shame they don’t have one for the Blue Lagoon …

Could read something like: Don’t get fooled by the Blue Lagoon. Basically it’s waste water from a geothermal power plant. … and show the steaming Blue Lagoon with a few people bathing plus a steaming “factory” building in the background. … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Island/Iceland/Ísland | Leave a comment

WWW == Wild Wild West?

Since April 2011 the companies of one Mr. Recher from Germany harassed me three times. I reported about this a few times already (e.g. here). I suspect I am not alone. Their scheme is to send automated, unverified abuse notifications … Continue reading

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WWW == Wilder Wilder Westen?

Seit April 2011 belästigten mich die Firmen eines Herrn Recher aus Deutschland dreimal. Ich habe darüber schon einige Male berichtet (z.B. hier auf Englisch). Ich vermute ich bin nicht allein. Ihre Masche ist es automatisierte und ungeprüfte Mißbrauchs-Benachrichtigungen (engl. abuse … Continue reading

Posted in DE, Meinung | Leave a comment

Kennt ihr das?

An der Oberfläche heißt von der Groß- und Urgroßelterngeneration immer “hoffentlich müßt ihr so eine Katastrophe ((gemeint ist der 2te Weltkrieg)) nicht selbst erleben”. Das gleitet dann aber oft ab in ein “seid froh, daß ihr das nicht selbst erleben … Continue reading

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Oscar Wilde was right

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.

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Now, this is a talk on the phone and as such not always easy to discern, especially with both people talking in parallel. The SBU, Ukraine’s secret service, has an article titled “SSU Has Evidence of Russian Involvement into Capture … Continue reading

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Maria Zakharova wrote on the Facebook page of the Russian ministry of foreign affairs (Министерства иностранных дел России): One of the most important posts I ever did! I address this to my foreign media colleagues and friends from Reuters, CNN, … Continue reading

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