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Category Archives: C/C++
Annoyance in the Windows SDK headers
Today I ran into the following error: Error 1 error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function ‘_interlockedbittestandset’ not allowed $VCDIR\include\intrin.h 944 Error 2 error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function ‘_interlockedbittestandreset’ not allowed $VCDIR\include\intrin.h 945 Eeek, what’s going … Continue reading – yes we can ;)
So the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) wants to recruit smart people. Well, there should be enough around. Although they seem to look for some 1337 h4x0rz, not some serious people from all indicators. The original one (MD5: 1585DFECC90AE7549814DCE52CA4EDDA) filled … Continue reading
Posted in C/C++, EN, Germans have no notion of sarcasm, Programming, Reversing, Software
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I’m blind (I think)
Now don’t get me wrong, I love to use GNU make on all the unixoid platforms where I have to use it and I have been using it for some advanced stuff on Windows as well. But honestly, when has … Continue reading
“Signs that you are a bad programmer”
This list is interesting and certainly contains some valid points, but I’d argue that some of the symptoms may also be a sign that you are simply maintaining legacy code that has outlived its life-expectancy for too long and perhaps … Continue reading
Two years later (update)
A new version of TortoiseCVS is available. Since I have largely parted with CVS, I just noticed now. Well, the issue reported in 2008 and closed as fixed is still not fixed. The respective piece of code looks exactly the … Continue reading
mydumper – nice alternative for mysqldump
I’m using MariaDB. Now, I had the idea for smaller DBs to use the SQL dump and store that in a version control system such as Mercurial or Git. However, the ordinary mysqldump creates quite unreadable dumps. Since the version … Continue reading
Posted in C/C++, EN, Linux, Programming, Python, Software, Unix and unixoid