Category Archives: C/C++

Two more useful flags for cl.exe

/Be appears to spit out a make file snippet that contains the recipe to reproduce a given run of cl.exe. It takes into account variables. Check it out: all: @cd D:\17.7.5\x64 @set INCLUDE= @set LIB= @set LIBPATH= @set CL=/nologo /utf-8 … Continue reading

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Log build command lines with cl.exe, link.exe and friends

Turns out you can enable detailed logging of the command lines run by MSBuild when building from Visual Studio or the command line. This may not seem like much, until you realize that technically you rarely get to see the … Continue reading

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Aiding reproducibility in builds with MS Visual C++

<AdditionalOptions>%(AdditionalOptions) /d1trimfile:”$(SolutionDir)\”</AdditionalOptions> In your .vcxproj file or a Directory.Build.props when passed to the compiler (cl.exe, ClCompile) this should trim the leading path used for __FILE__. The backslash is actually required here, because SolutionDir ends in a backslash itself, but we … Continue reading

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Initialization of static variables (reminder)

Nice blog article which I ran across again recently: PS: probably also worth a look: Paged Out

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Floating point precision … printf-VS2013-vs.-later-VS-version edition

As developers we probably all know that floating point precision can be an issue . It can haunt us in various ways. Generally when we talk about precision, though, we probably don’t have in mind printf as the first thing. … Continue reading

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That trick I learned with the Visual Studio debugger

Alright, I’ll admit it it: I am in team WinDbg. Sure, I’ll happily use WinDbgX — the “Preview” version of the “new” WinDbg which has been in preview for ages now — but I always was a bit unhappy with … Continue reading

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What does adding masm targets do under the hood

If in Visual Studio when you right-click a C/C++-project in the Solution Explorer, you choose Build Customizations…, the following dialog will be presented: If you check the item for masm, the following changes will be done to your .vcxproj file: … Continue reading

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So you have a WTL project but it’s not a COM server you’re writing?

Well, not exactly surprising if you write a GUI application like my NT Objects. Turns out that ATL forces you to have support for COM server registration, as soon as you use anything derived from CComModule. Doh. And yeah, that … Continue reading

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Delay-loading ntdll.lib and others …

In one of my pet projects, NT Objects – or ntobjx in short – I am making use of the delay loading mechanism offered by the Visual C++ toolchain, while at the same time using it on a DLL that … Continue reading

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ntobjx jetzt auch auf Deutsch

Wie schon im April erwähnt, hatte ich ntobjx als besseren quelloffenen Ersatz für WinObj von Sysinternals/Microsoft gestartet. Ich hab nun die Dokumentation ins Deutsche übertragen und seit gestern steht ein – wie immer mit Signatur versehener – Build bereit, welche … Continue reading

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Re: Object Manager Namespace Viewer

A few days ago I wrote about a ten year old Delphi project. It allows one to see the Object Manager namespace of an NT system. Meanwhile I have started working on a WTL implementation of a similar tool. I … Continue reading

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Visual Studio 2003 installation without prerequisite check. From the root of the installation media run: Setup\setup.exe /no_bsln_check

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Fully static build of tmux using libc-musl for Linux

Find a script that does the job here. It will download the source packages if they do not already exist and then unpack them into a subfolder of the current directory named tmux. Then it will one by one compile … Continue reading

Posted in C/C++, EN, Linux, Programming, Unix and unixoid | 1 Comment

Laughing out loud

This tells more about RMS than about Clang/LLVM which is a great piece of software. // Oliver

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What’s the hype about VS 2010 through 2013

Finally I’ve gotten around to work a bit more with those versions. They are nice with PTVS, but heck they’re unstable. I encounter frequent crashes and hangs with all of those versions as well as slowness compared to VS 2005 … Continue reading

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Refreshed the binaries for arrived, lsads and looklink, updates to looklink

You can download all of them on Bitbucket: arrived looklink lsads looklink now also understands “placeholder files” introduced with Windows 8.1 which are placeholders for files on a linked SkyDrive that are marked online-only. All executables are code-signed and a … Continue reading

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For anyone who uses premake4 and needs an up-to-date binary

A code-signed binary is included in the ZIP archive available here. All contents are signed using PGP as well, so they can be verified using the following command line (replace gpg for gpg2 depending on your version): gpg –verify signature.asc … Continue reading

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Hope I got it right …

Here’s a little command line tool to retrieve the product key from a running Windows 8. It should also work on Windows XP through 7. I am releasing the code into the public domain. I hope I got it right, … Continue reading

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Once again updated: looklink

As already in the past, I updated looklink again. This time it received two command line options, –verbose and –nologo and the CReparsePoint class was overhauled. One issue was fixed. CReparsePoint would behave improperly when being passed the current directory … Continue reading

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German federals looking for trojan author – still

The German federals (BKA = Bundeskriminalamt, roughly the German equivalent to the FBI in the US) are still looking for someone with the qualifications to write what had been dubbed “Bundestrojaner” (literally: federal trojan) in 2008. This means that first … Continue reading

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