Category Archives: Weight loss

I like Ricky Gervais …

… but the way you, Ricky, lash out against fat people, considering myself still part of that population ((despite ongoing efforts to change that)), is kind of a disgrace that falls back on you, mainly for the weak main point … Continue reading

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-2.3 (= 41.6)

First I was a bit shocked, but then I realized that this gives me some leeway over the holiday season ๐Ÿ˜›

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-0.6 (= 39.3)

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+0.1 (= 38.7)

It was a major setback (not really). Not even trying to excuse it ๐Ÿ˜†

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-0.9 (= 38.8)

I’m in an odd mood. No idea where it comes from. Still, it reminded me of this: Blackadder: Brilliant! No time to lose. George, set up your easel, Baldrick and I will pose. This is going to be art’s greatest … Continue reading

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-1.3 (= 37.9)

In preparation of the upcoming holiday season … I don’t know.

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-0.5 (= 36.6)

Wild week ๐Ÿ˜†

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-1.0 (= 36.1)

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-3.3 (= 35.1)

More than I bargained for. I’m puzzled. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ Also most hilarious situation two days ago. When I was paying the sweets I am going to take along to Iceland on my flight tomorrow, one of the guards from the public … Continue reading

Posted in EN, Weight loss | 7 Comments

-0.9 (= -31.8)

Whatever ๐Ÿ™„

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“10 Things You need To Know About Losing Weight”

The documentary of that name from the BBC – by Michael Mosley – was now being broadcast on German channel ZDF. Unfortunately only dubbed. However, just like for the guy in the documentary who loves dairy products, the best news … Continue reading

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-1.2 (= -30.9)

Don’t know whether I will have a scale available the next few days, so one day early. Now don’t call me a cheater! At least not with this one – for computer games okay, but not here ๐Ÿ˜‰ PS: Monday … Continue reading

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Chew 25 times, lose weight? …

It could be part of the recipe at least. Subway has a detailed tutorial ๐Ÿ˜‰

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-1.7 (= -29.7)

So much for slowing it down ๐Ÿ™„

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-0.9 (= -28.0)

No idea whether it shows that I have slowed down successfully or whether that’s standard deviation. If you look at the old numbers so far, it could very well be deviation. Either way, the plan right now is to lose … Continue reading

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Body weight simulator

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-2.8 (= -27.1)

Finally I’m through the 25 kg barrier, it seems. This time it looks like I’m through for good. Fingers crossed, knock on wood and all ๐Ÿ˜†

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-1.2 (= -24.3)


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-2.7 (= -23.1)

That’s all I have to say

Posted in EN, Fitness, Weight loss | 3 Comments

-1.6 (= -20.4)

Woohoo!!! Touched -20 at least twice and bounced off. But this is the first official result with -20 kg shed ๐Ÿ˜› … ‘t was about time.

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